Friday, 23 September 2011

Why not all taxi drivers are hailing new planned changes

At present taxis in NI operate under different rules determined by the colour of their plates. The DoE wants to bring them all into line and operate under one new licence which will bring major changes, including how to call-a-cab. As part of the changes customers would for the first time be able to hail any taxi from the side of the road - ending the need to pre-book.

William McCausland from Fona Cab supports the changes. "A cab is there and is licensed and insured," he said. "If a customer wants to get the cab, it's hard to argue that he must phone a depot and the depot has to contact the driver and then go and get him. "If there's a cab there and it's licensed and the customer wants that cab, let us not argue with common sense."

Taxis based at the city hall in Belfast are the only ones currently allowed to pick up off the street. They strongly oppose the changes saying they will be forced to ply their trade elsewhere. Sean Beckett from the the Public Hire Coalition said his members strongly oppose the changes.

"If we have an influx of taxis within Belfast city centre because of what they are planning to do, well it is going for force drivers to look at other aspects of earning a living to keep their family, so they will have to look at all revenues to be able to cater for their family's needs."

This could create more competition for the west Belfast black taxis. They evolved out of the Troubles - when bus services were often disrupted. They operate a shared service on designated roads. Other taxis will be able to compete for their customers, including groups of passengers, if they are hailed from the footpath.

Jim Neeson, a former manager with the West Belfast Taxi group, said it would "impact badly" on the the west Belfast taxis. "Private saloon cars, and black taxis other than the West Belfast taxis will be free to operate up and down that road. "I think that will be harmful to the black taxis and I think it will spell the ultimate end of that taxi service as we know it unless it modernises and changes."

It is intended that the west Belfast taxis will retain their special licence that lets them operate like a local bus service. But they will also be able to apply for a new licence that will allow them to operate like a conventional taxi in any area.

Brian Barr from the West Belfast Taxi Association said it is something they will consider if they start losing trade. "We might be forced to look alternatively at the private end ourselves, such as buying the other licence that allows our vehicles to rank at the city hall, to rank at hotels, obviously diversify into other work because we are not going to allow this to turn into a war as such."

The increased competition could lead to a better deal for passengers but its an unsettling time for some operators. The consultation period on the proposed changes ends next week.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Just two extracts from Birmingham - Licensing Offence Atrocities;

Name & Address
Mohammed Saeed Din
298 Coleshill Road
B36 8BG

Date Case Heard

Birmingham Magistrates Court

Fraud Act 2006,
Forgery & Counterfeiting Act 1981
& Road Traffic Act 1988

Fine / Penalty
16 weeks in custody suspended for 2 years.
180 hours of unpaid work.
+ 36 penalty points
Disqualified from driving for 12 months

£360 (£851 requested)

Offence details
Pleaded guilty to 15 offences; 6 offences of making and having in his possession a forged Hackney Carriage badge and making a false representation that the badge was genuine, 4 offences of making and using a forged Hackney Carriage Drivers badge and 6 offences of driving without insurance.

Name & Address
Zulfaqar Ali
55 St Benedicts Road
Small Heath
B10 9DR

Date Case Heard

Birmingham Magistrates Court

Road Traffic Act 1988

Fine / Penalty
Total £500 (£125 x 4)
+ 24 penalty points
Disqualified from driving for 9 months

£500 (£1110 requested)

Offence details
Pleaded not guilty to 4 offences of driving without insurance. Found guilty after trial.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Operation Crush

Operation Crush

A bombshell is about to explode on the Manchester Cab Trade. This is in the form of Operation Crush. The operation is being run Nationally and is less than halfway through. Less than halfway through and approx 700 cases of perverting the course of justice has come to light.

The offences occur when a fleet owner or garage owner receives a section 172 notice that a camera offence has been committed in one of their cabs. The fleet owner returns the notice identifying who the driver is, as is required by law. The driver then receives a second 172 notice informing him of a penalty and asking him to confirm he was driving. This is when the offence occurs. The driver informs his owner, fleet or garage that he is about to be endorsed.

A couple of fleet owners in Manchester have told the drivers they cannot accept the endorsement, because it would cost the fleet owner too much in insurance premiums to continue to employ that particular driver. In fear of losing his track and/or his livelihood the driver falls for the next scam. The fleet owner offers to “get rid” of the offence for around £150. He tells the driver he has someone in the Central ticket office who will wipe the offence from the computer.

This is a scam, no such person exists. The fleet owner passes the 172 notice to a couple of scallies off a local Manchester overspill estate. They then redirect the section 172 to a false address.

The scallies used in the Manchester incident were not the sharpest pencil’s in the box. They used the same address several times, this was flagged up on the police computer, naturally, and set the investigation in motion. One fleet owner is implicated in 8 of these offences. 8 Manchester Hackney drivers are about to go “down the steps” for perverting the course of justice. This is just to save a fleet owner a couple of quid a week in insurance premiums. The 172 notices in question have been forensically examined and everybody who has touched one, will have his “dabs” recorded.

We received this news because one of the drivers in question broke down in interview in the last few weeks. He was entitled to, he has an unblemished record and now he knows he will soon wake up in prison, to find he has become some tattooed Neanderthals bitch. All to save someone else a few quid !

He rightly is about to bring everyone down with him.

The sad thing about all this is that camera offences are only minor infringements. Any offender is offered a driver awareness course for £80. You legally avoid the penalty points this way. You also learn something, so your cash is not wasted. You can do this again, as long as it not less than two years since your last course.

This news is about Manchester, but you can bet it goes on all around the country, especially in large Cities where multi owners thrive. I beg all Licensed Hackney drivers, do not fall for a scam such as this, not to save some tight barsteward a few quid.

Local Authorities should examine their part in this affair as well. Some authorities are suspending drivers who accrue six points in any year. They say this is evidence of dangerous driving. Hackney drivers do approx four times the mileage of any ordinary driver (48k against 12k). It would hardly be called dangerous driving if an ordinary motorist got six points in four years, would it.

It is exacerbated by the fact that a Magistrate has not sought to remove anybodies licence for two minor offences. A Magistrate is the appellant authority for decisions of a local council, yet the local council can and DO add an additional penalty to drivers who offend. This is surely contrary to natural justice. The decisions of some Local councils are therefore, in my opinion, adding to this problem and coercing some drivers to commit a more serious offence.

(taken from: rainycityripoff.blogspot)

Saturday, 10 September 2011

A Fascinating insight into "Multicultural" Britain and the taxi trade in Birmingham

The list of prosecutions below from Birmingham give an amazing insight into the taxi trade in Britain today. Every person on there has a "multi cultural name" - with the one notable female, who was apparently offering a "service" other than taxi driving.

At their meeting in May the Licensing Committee agreed to publicise cases taken by Birmingham City Council in sof ar as these relate to offences committed in respect of the Licensing Service. The list below identifies cases taken between November 2010 - May 2011 and this will be updated on a monthly basis following consideration of the report on this matter by the Licensing Committee each month.

Only cases taken over a six month period will remain on this web page. The page will be reviewed regularly with older cases being deleted on this basis.

Mohammed Nazural Eron
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 1st November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £500– no ins (No separate penalty for plying)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £250 (£450 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Qamar Shezad
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 1st November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £235 – plying & £350 – no ins
+ 3 penalty points & disqualified from driving for 9 months
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Tanvir Hussain
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 4th November 2010 to three offences: one of failing to wear his private hire driver’s badge, one of operating private hire vehicles from a motor vehicle using a mobile phone and one offence of failing to ensure that bookings were
recorded correctly.
Fined £250 x 3
Prosecution Costs £1,242.30 (£1,242.30 req)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Tariq Zaman
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 5th November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £120 – plying & £240 – no ins
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Irfhan Heyder Khan
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 5th November 2010 to seven offences: two relating to the use of a false insurance document to gain employment with Blueline Cars, one of failing to display the private hire identity plate externally on the rear of the vehicle, one of failing to provide a current insurance certificate for the vehicle and three of
consequently having invalid insurance
Fined £500 – Fraud Act, £500 – Forgery & Counterfeiting Act, £100 x 3 – no ins,
No separate penalty for LGMPA x 2
Prosection Costs £1,061 (£1,061 req)
Fraud Act 2006, Forgery & Counterfeiting Act 1981, Road Traffic Act 1988 & Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Umar Hussain
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 19th November 2010to one offence of failing to wear his private hire driver’s badge.
Fined £130
Prosection Costs £100 (£150 req)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Mohammed Mohammed
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 19th November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £150 – no ins (No separate penalty for plying)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Arshad Mohammed
Pleaded guilty at Sutton Coldfield Magistrates on 23rd November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £235 – no ins (No separate penalty for plying)
+ 8 penalty points
Prosection Costs £200 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Abdullah Khan
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 26th November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire
Fined £160
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Mohammed Junaid
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 26th November 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £340 – no ins (No separate penalty for plying)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Saleem Chohan
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 10th December 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £450 (£300 – no ins & £150– plying)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Mohammed Latif
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 10th December 2010 to failing to wear his private hire driver’s badge.
Fined £40
Prosecution Costs £35 (£150 req)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Ghulam Khan
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 13th December 2010 to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined £360 (£180 – no ins & £180 – plying)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £500 (£500 req)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Faisal Nassar
Pleaded not guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 20th December 2010 to three offences, 1 of failing to keep a record of the insurance for a private hire driver and two of failing to keep a record of the particulars of journeys. Pleaded guilty to one offence of failing to keep a record of the insurance for a private hire driver. Case Proved
Fined £400 £200 – insurance cert, No separate penalty for 2nd offence of failing to have a
copy of insurance & £200 – failing to keep journey records
Prosecution Costs £550 (£550 req)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Mohammed Zaman
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 4th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £165 (£65 – plying & £100– no ins) & + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Amar Aftab
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 11th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £450 (£200 – plying & £250 – no ins) + 6 penalty points & Disqualified from driving for 6 months
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Inamullah Saleem
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £450 (£100 – plying & £350 – no insurance) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Zulifqur Asghar
Found guilty in his absence at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th February 2011, of 3 offences; one of using a vehicle without a current licence, one of acting as a private hire driver without a licence and one offence of driving without
valid insurance.
Fined total £875 (£350 – unlicensed vehicle, No sep pen – unlicensed driver & £525 – no ins)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £500 (£500 requested)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Mohammed Zaman
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 4th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £165 (£65 – plying & £100– no ins) & + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Amar Aftab
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 11th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £450 (£200 – plying & £250 – no ins) + 6 penalty points & Disqualified from driving for 6 months
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Inamullah Saleem
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £450 (£100 – plying & £350 – no insurance) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Zulifqur Asghar
Found guilty in his absence at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th February 2011, of 3 offences; one of using a vehicle without a current licence, one of acting as a private hire driver without a licence and one offence of driving without
valid insurance.
Fined total £875 (£350 – unlicensed vehicle, No sep pen – unlicensed driver & £525 – no ins)
+ 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £500 (£500 requested)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Jamir Hussain
Found guilty in his absence of at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th February 2011, 4 offences; two of knowingly operating a private hire vehicle when both the vehicle and the driver, Zulifqur Asghar, were unlicensed, one of failing to keep
vehicle /driver records as required by the conditions attached to his operator’s licence and one offence of failing to produce documentation to an authorised officer.
Fined total £935 (£350 – unlicensed vehicle, £350 – unlicensed driver, No sep pen – failing to keep records & £235 – failing
to produce documents
Prosecution Costs £500 (£500 requested)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Arshad Mahmood
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 25th February 2011, to 1 offence of plying for hire.
Fined £300
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Jahangir Alom
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 25th February 2011, to one offence of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £300 (£200 – ply & £100 – no ins) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Rezaul Kharim
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 11th March 2011, to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £700 (£350 – ply & £350 – no ins) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Aamir Khan
Found guilty in his absence at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 11th March 2011, of two offences; one of failing to produce a premises licence in respect of Mega Bite, 1052 Pershore Road, Selly Park and one offence of breaching a condition of the licence as the CCTV was not working.
Fined total £500 (£100 – fail to produce & £400 – fail to comply)
Prosecution Costs £434.95 (£434.95 requested)
Licensing Act 2003

Surinder Pal
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th March 2011, to one offence of plying for hire.
Fined £60
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Imran Zahid
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 18th March 2011, to one offence of plying for hire.
Penalty 2 year conditional discharge
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Abad Hussain
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 21st March 2011, to five offences: four of driving without valid insurance and one offence of failing to disclose to the licensed operator that he did not have valid insurance so that he
could continue to work as a private hire driver.
Fined total £600 (£200 – Fraud & £100 x 4 – no ins) + 24 penalty points & Disqualified from driving for 28 days
Prosecution Costs £200 (£485 requested)
Road Traffic Act 1988 & Fraud Act 2006

Ashariq Zafar Salis
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 1st April 2011, to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £135 (£100 – no ins & £35 – plying) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £50 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Narinder Singh
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 1st April 2011, to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £200 (£140 – no ins & £60 – plying) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Ajmal Ali
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 4th April 2011, to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £450 (£450 – no ins & No separate penalty – plying) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £100 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Mohammed Alam
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 8th April 2011 to 3 offences of driving without valid insurance.
Fined total £300 (£300 – 3rd offence & No separate penalty - remaining 2 offences) + 18 penalty points &
Disqualified from driving for 12 months
Prosecution Costs £329.70 (£329.70 requested)
Road Traffic Act 1988

Shakeel Arshad
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 8th April 2011 to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £210 (£210 – no ins & No separate penalty - plying) + 6 penalty points
Prosection Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Mahmood Perwaiz
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 8th April 2011 to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £350 (£350 – no ins & No separate penalty - plying) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Ise Samow
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 8th April 2011 to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £350 (£350 – no ins & No separate penalty - plying) + 6 penalty points
Prosectuion Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Ala Ud din
guiltyPleaded Birmingham Magistrates Court on 8th April 2011 to 1 offence of failing to wear a private hire driver’s badge in a position as to be plainly and distinctly visible
Fined £115
Prosecution Costs £150 (£150 requested)
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Yvonne Lowndes
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 8th April 2011 to 1 offence of carrying on an establishment for massage at Glow, 8a Chipperfield Road, Hodge Hill, Birmingham without a current licence.
Fined £200
Prosecution Costs £313.20 (£313.20 requested)
Birmingham City Council Act 1990

Jama Hussain
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 11th April 2011, to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £525 (£200 – plying & £325 – no ins) + 6 penalty points
Prosection Costs £100 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Mrban Khan
ePleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 14th April 2011 to 6 offences. 4 of driving without valid insurance, 1 offence of using a vehicle as a private hire vehicle without a current private hire vehicle licence and 1 offence of
giving a false home address on a licence application form.
Fined Total £250 (£250 – no ins & No separate penalty – licence & false information offences) + 24 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £135 (£921.37 requested)
Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Tabraiz Hussain
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 21st April 2011 to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £245 (£70 – plying & £175 – no ins) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (requested £675)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Waseem Iqbal
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 5th May 2011 to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £200 (£200 - plying & no separate penalty for no insurance) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Shakeel Kayani
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 5th May 2011, to two offences: one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £160 (£160 – plying & no separate penalty for no insurance) + 6 penalty points
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Marban Hussain
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 6th May 2011, to four offences: three of driving without valid insurance and one offence of giving false information to an authorised officer
Fined total £400 (£100 x 4) + 18 penalty points & Disqualified from driving for 6 months
Prosecution Costs £200 (£200 requested)
Road Traffic Act 1988 & Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

Ziaur Rahman
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 16th May 2011 to one offence of plying for hire.
Fined £140
Proseuction Costs £150 (£200 requested)
Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Anilkumar Shah
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 19th May 2011, to two offences; one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £500 (£500 – plying & no separate for no insurance) + 6 penalty points & Disqualified from driving for 18 months
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Mohammed Bhutta
Pleaded guilty at Birmingham Magistrates Court on 19th May 2011, to two offences; one of plying for hire and one of having invalid insurance.
Fined total £500 (£500– plying & no separate financial penalty for no insurance) & + 6 penalty points
Town Police Clauses Act 1847 & Road Traffic Act 1988

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Poor Outlook for StockTax

Latest Figures Show

Stocktax have slumped further.
The PDF shows that since Jul 10 (1 year)
Overdraft has gone up from £206,921 to the sum of £231,527 a rise of
around £25k
Assets have reduced from £111k to £99k

This would mean it is losing around £750 per week

The figure is likely to be higher as the accounts show intangible assets
(Plate value) of £498k. Plates have collapsed so that
 could suggest real term losses in excess of £750k when the shot hits the fan

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Steve Darlington does it again - Future Outdoor Media in Bankruptcy

23 August 2011
Issue Number:
Page number:
Publication Date: Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Notice Code: 2442
Meetings of Creditors
(Company Number 05922376)
(formerly Salford Media Limited)
Yarmouth House, Trident Business Park, Daten Avenue, Birchwood, Warrington, WA3 6BX
Principal Trading Address: Maine Road, Moss Side, Manchester
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a meeting of the creditors of the above-named Company will be held at The Old Bank, 187a Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire, WA15 9SQ, on 13 September 2011, at 12.00 noon for the purposes mentioned in Sections 99, 100 and 101 of the said Act. Colin Thomas Burke of Milner Boardman & Partners, The Old Bank, 187a Ashley Road, Hale, Cheshire, WA15 9SQ, is qualified to act as an insolvency practitioner in relation to the above and will furnish creditors, free of charge, with such information concerning the company’s affairs as is reasonably required.
Further details contact: Colin Thomas Burke, Email:, Tel: 0161 927 7788.

Stephen Darlington, Director

18 August 2011.