Friday, 3 February 2012

Manchester Council fees rip off

 Taken from: rainy city rip off: (and well done to the persistent devil)

Manchester Licensing Accounts

Some of you are aware I have been looking at the Accounts of the Licensing unit. I have found, what I believe to be a large amount of money missing from those accounts.

I have written to the Chief executives office expressing my concerns. The letter I receive back was far from satisfactory. I have had my figures looked at by another organisation, National Private Hire Association. They agree my figures show a huge discrepancy. They also point to their formula, which they call the 250 test, which whilst simple, is brilliant. You take the gross number of vehicles, Hackney and PH, add them together, in Manchester's case that comes to 3640 vehicles. you now divide this by 250. This is the amount of working days in a calender year
This returns a figure of 14.56

Manchester Council have to administer less than 15 cabs per day. Manchester councils declared cost to do this administration is £1,750,329.00. You now divide that by 250 (days worked) and it returns a figure of £7001.
Manchester Council charge us a total of £7001 a day to administer 14.56 cabs a day. Not a bad job by any standards, I would do it I bet you would as well

This is obviously taking the P*ss, you might think,but I believe another £714,963.00 is missing from the accounts, over the last two years.

I do not want to be labelled a trouble maker, although I probably already am, but I must take this further. I am meeting advisor's later this week and I believe the next step will be to place this before the Local Government Ombudsman.

The question is, how long is it since these figures were looked at in Stockport? With our "dear leaders" looking to pat themselves on the back more and more, and set themselves up on bigger and better committees such as TfGM (Transport  for Greater Manchester) these people need more scrutiny over the money they collect and spend.

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