Saturday, 5 May 2012

Manchester and Tameside taxi owners to be Jailed

Readers of this site will know we broke the story of Operation Crush, last year. We understand  that a Tameside based MANCHESTER fleet owner is heavily implicated and is the focus of the Police operation. Last Friday a friend of this fleet owner received three months imprisonment and will perhaps be reading this in Strangeways.
Steve Strong who owns two Tameside Hacks was sentenced last Friday. The two hacks he owns, have had their licenses suspended. It is expected they will be revoked upon his release from prison.
The tragedy of this is that anybody who knows Steve, insists he is a great guy, he is reported to be a keen amateur boxer and a friend of Ricky Hatton. Steve is also known for his charity work associated with Hatton and the boxing fraternity.
I bet it is squeaky bum time, for a certain Manchester Fleet owner.

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